Tag Archives: over the hump


Hello all…so on Friday the 11th I had my 3rd round of AC chemo. I have a total of 4 rounds of AC and as you all know by now they are not enjoyable. The week after is the worst and then I slowly come around to feeling normal. I’m able to eat better and feel more like myself during the second week after the infusion.

In the middle of my struggle during this first week a friend offered a ray of light by texting me saying I was “over the hump” of this AC chemo and one step closer to the next round which is supposed to be less taxing on you clone dvd full version for free.  It gave me a spirit boost and I battled my way back to feeling good enough to resume semi-normal activities.  I went back to work, I started being able to walk Nick again, decreased the anti-nausea pills I need to take during the first week and decreased monitoring of my temperature. One of the big things with chemo is if you develop a fever of 100.4 you need to get to an ER because you can have an infection and things could go horribly wrong.  Life was slowly progressing in the right direction  until…

I hit a bump in my hump.

At work Friday night I started getting pains in my abdomen download kayla itsines for free. It wasn’t crazy pain, but just the kind of a dull ache where I wondered if I pulled a muscle or ate something bad or maybe it was a fun, new side effect.  I got home, went to bed and figured it would be gone by the morning.

Morning came and the pain was still there.  And then it started getting worse as the day went on. I called and spoke with the resident doctor on call who works with my oncologist to ask if there was anything over the counter I could take. She said I could but if it didn’t take the pain away absolutely 100% then she wanted me to go to the hospital herunterladen.

Well, the pain didn’t go away 100%, in fact it didn’t even go away 1%. It got a lot worse and then I started feeling super hot.  After frantically taking my temperature at least twelve times and seeing it go from 100.1 to 101.8 in a matter of minutes, we hightailed it to the closest ER.

The ER nurse checking me in instantly gave me Tylenol and a mask to wear.  Then I got to a room where we went through my history of chemo and symptoms.  I watched as the dreaded IV needle got stuck in the same vein that just a week ago was used for chemo and then another vein got stuck to take big vials of blood apps downloaden op samsung tv. A strep test was done and then a flu test. If you have never had a flu test, consider yourself lucky. They basically shoot a saline solution up your nose and then suck it back out. But half of it ends up in the back of your throat while the nurse flings a paper towel at you to spit in and the rest comes flying out your nose while you’re leaning over gagging trying to spit.  It’s really pretty.

After those tests came back negative, the doctor ordered a chest x-ray to see if I had pneumonia because I had a little bit of a cough herunterladen. I waited on the radiology department for awhile and then got the x-ray that came back negative. Next on the list? A gallbladder ultrasound.  Nothing like having excruciating stomach pain and getting a gel’d up wand pushed into your abdomen for 25 minutes.

While I waited on those results the doctor had me drink a contrast solution in case the gallbladder test came back negative and I needed to get a CT scan.  The CT scan can’t be done until 2 hours after you finish the drink that the nurse swore “tastes like water” (spoiler alert, it doesn’t)  so it was suggested I not take too long to finish the solution migos.  I had images in my head of my college friends yelling “chug chug chug” as I attempted to get it down and finally finished it almost 45 minutes from when I started.  At this point I’d be able to get the CT scan around midnight. But maybe the gallbladder ultrasound would show something simple to fix and I wouldn’t need it.

Well, midnight came and off I went for the CT scan. The technician maneuvered my rickety bed with wheels worse than that lone shopping cart that’s always sitting in the middle of the return pack because one wheel sticks and turns in the complete opposite direction of the other three and no one wants it icloud dateien automatisch herunterladen.  We grazed about four walls by the time I got to the CT scan room.

The nurse there gave me good news, the test only takes a couple of minutes. Then she dropped the bomb that she had to inject my IV line with a dye that would make my pelvis area super hot for a little bit – but don’t worry it goes way. She checked off if I was allergic to all things in life before doing it, and all I could think of was my insides screaming from so many chemicals it was getting for the past two weeks download the pay card form.

Finally, after hours of tests and waiting, at roughly 3am they said I had an infection and colitis possibly caused by the chemo because my immune system is shot and I have no way to fight off an infection. They then said I had to be admitted and stay for IV antibiotics and observation at least overnight to make sure I didn’t get worse before I got better.

I will spare you the all the details of what seemed like seven thousand bathroom trips while maneuvering an IV pole in my dimly lit ER room because of everything I had to drink and the saline IVs, all the things I heard from various rooms while in there since I was up all night, the one nurse who stuck me again for more blood then let the needle fall out while blood instantly poured out because I’m slightly anemic now from chemo and all the craziness that occurred in and around my room for the 24 hours I was there skype 7.41 herunterladen.

I finally started feeling a little better Sunday with all the antibiotics and pain meds they gave me so even though they wanted me to stay another night, they let me get discharged as long as I promised to come back immediately if the pain got worse or my fever came back.

I’m due for chemo again on Friday but not sure if I will be getting this round pushed out a week because of this.  I will know soon but I don’t think I’m mentally or physically ready for it so will push to have it next Friday.

Until then, I’m hanging on to the fact that as much as I’m over having chemo and heading down this very long, bumpy road, I’m still at least, over the AC hump.