Hi all,
Well, I’m happy to report that yesterday’s wait time for my chemo suite was much better than last week’s! I just about sat down, chugged some water, took out a snack and got comfy and they called my name 15 minutes after my appointment time. Maybe they weren’t as busy, or maybe they signed me in under Norma Rae, I don’t know, but whatever it was I’ll take it.
Unfortunately as fast as I got into my suite, I then got delayed starting meds because my nurse couldn’t find a good vein Download amatic font. She tried twice but they “wouldn’t catch” and so she called in another nurse to give it a try. If you’ve never had a nurse try to get a vein to catch, consider yourself lucky. The needle goes in then slides out a little, then back in. They fiddle and diddle moving the inserted needle left and right and all around. She tried for awhile and said to me, “you’re very patient.” I felt bad for both of us, we both really wanted to get started, and I know she felt bad about having to stick me multiple times picasa 3 for free german windows 10. The second nurse came in and went for a better looking vein and finally got it. She said some days are good vein days, some are not. It may be that I wasn’t hydrated enough this one particular morning because that always helps. An hour later we finally got started with the chemo.
This brings me to a question some of you have asked which is why I didn’t get a port Download sims free play. When you first start chemo they give you that option and go over all the pros and cons. To me, the cons outweighed the pros.
I have good veins and no one has ever had much of a problem getting to them. I learned quickly though that an occasional IV and blood draws are vastly different than continuous use of them with chemo. When I was first getting started my initial understanding was that I would be getting 4 AC chemos and 4 Taxol chemos, both on an every other week schedule herunterladen. I didn’t realize it would be an every week thing with the Taxol, which looking back now was always the plan, it just didn’t register with me at the time because there is so much incoming you can’t retain it all and it’s not really until you’re in the middle of a particular phase that you totally get it.
But even with the bad math on the number of needle sticks, I didn’t think I’d want one. One reason is because it’s implanted in an operating room under general anesthesia and is eventually removed that way too. Two extra procedures is two too many when you are already in and out of the hospital, doctor’s office, labs and pharmacies non-stop download prezi for free. It’s also an incision that needs to heal and with that, another reminder scar on your body.
Plus, a big concern for me is that it is implanted in your chest and I sleep on my stomach and don’t really know how comfortable that would be. When I had my lumpectomy surgery I was unable to sleep on my stomach through recovery and didn’t get much rest at all. With 5 months of chemo ahead of me, I didn’t want to risk not getting sleep when it was most important for my weekly recovery and well-being.
And lastly, the port does come with some nasty risks and complications and here’s some of them:
- Infection in the skin at the exit site or in the blood
- Blood clots in the catheter or the vein
- The port moves and irritates the vein
- Slipping of the needle from the back of the port chamber which means the IV fluid flows under the skin instead of into the vein
- Accidental cutting or puncturing of blood vessels
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So for all of those reasons I opted to not get one download amd v-detection services program.
I asked my nurse yesterday if a lot of patients get the port. She said that although some do, most don’t. I asked her about the condition of my veins and with six more infusions and then anti-body infusions every three weeks until 2017 if it was worth getting one now.
She said with only six left and then a three week break in between the anti-body infusions, I should be ok and she didn’t see a need for a port at this time how to movies for free. She looked at my arm, then at me and said reassuringly, “We’ll get you through it.”
The nurses throughout my entire journey at Sloan have been above and beyond amazing. Between the hours spent explaining things, after hours phone calls to make sure you’re ok, popping into your suite to check on you when they walk by and see you sitting there, or giving you tips and tricks to get through any and all side effects, they are the glue that keeps patients together as we trudge through the day to day of months of treatment tipico app download android.
So when she said “we’ll get you through it,” I have not one ounce of doubt that they will.