Ok, here’s the thing, if I never utter the words AC chemo again, I won’t lose any sleep over it.

Friday was my 4th and final round of that leg and as usual about a week later, I’m starting to come back to feeling human netflix broadcasts. There is really no other way to put it. The nausea, fatigue, bone pain, stomach issues, lack of desire to do anything, and every other side effect that completely interferes with life are all hopefully behind me as I start to feel like a normal person again directx 11 kostenlos.

A lot of you have called, texted, emailed and Facebook’d asking how I’m doing and what’s next. Thank you for that. It’s the check-ins that although may take me a bit to get back to, help me push forward knowing you’re all over there pulling for me adobe flash player for free.

So now what’s next?  Starting April 15th I will be beginning 12 weeks of my next round of chemo and antibodies. The chemo this time is Taxol whatsapp status herunterladen android.  But instead of doing it every 2 weeks for 8 weeks like some do, I will be doing it for 12 weeks, every single Friday.  From what I’m told, it’s a lesser dose and the side effects won’t be as drastic than if I had a heavier dose every 2 weeks kostenlos mp3 hörspieleen. The downside is it takes 3 months to get through instead of 2 months, which is a lot on an already long road. But I also need to do the 12 week schedule because every 3rd week I will be getting two antibodies, Pertuzumab and Herceptin added to my infusion, which are used to target the HER2 receptor I’m positive for spor das spiel kostenlosen.  These antibody infusions are the ones I will be getting all the way through until April of 2017.

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Heu everyeow, jysrf finshdasd rinf 4 of Tsxpk…..

That’s all I know about that, which is enough quite frankly. So if everything goes as planned, by the middle of July I should be finished with all chemo and moving on to radiation.

I’m looking forward to getting started, taking it one day at a time again and eventually getting to the end of this road…just like I did with that other kind of chemo.

35 thoughts on “THAT OTHER KIND OF CHEMO…”

  1. Still praying for you on a daily basis Deb and I do believe in prayer and in the outlook one has when dealing with a life issue. You, my friend, certainly have a positive outlook and as you pointed out, take one day at a time. That’s all anyone can do!

    You’ve got this girl! I can’t even begin to imagine what you’re dealing with, but know, that the love and caring people are showing, comes from their hearts because they all care about you and want the best for you.

    Have faith,
    Mrs. Tebo

  2. You are incredible…your reality, strength, honesty, and ways of finding positives….it’s inspirational. But really – I wish I didn’t have to know about any of these traits…I wish we could just debate Yankees and Red Sox! And – I’m sure you are thinking “What other choices do I have than be strong, etc…” but you do have choices – and you are chosing the strength…. I’m so glad you and BJ have each other….and your very strong network of friends and family….as always – you are in my thoughts….and wish there was more I could say to help.

    1. Thank you, Jyl. And we can ALWAYS debate the Red Sox and Yankees! We’ve got a whole season to go. GO SOX! 🙂

  3. LATER ROUND ONE!! Proud of you Deb keep it up one treatment at a time ~ XOXO

    P.S. “Heu everyeow, jysrf finshdasd rinf 4 of Tsxpk….” ~ thanks for this I needed to hear a moment of Deb sarcasm & this made me smile although truly hoping it’s a non issue for you…hugs my friend <3

  4. Such a strong lady you are. Love ya Deb! You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Continue kicking ass…..

  5. You are in my everyday thoughts, I’ll be walking the beach in NJ the end of the month and will be sending you positives vibes from the sea , close your eyes, feel the sun on your face, and smell the wonderful salt air , I may even go see if Macs is still around for one of those really big hotdogs ! XOXOXOXXO
    hugs from Maine

  6. Hey Deb. Life got crazy and have not left a message in awhile. You certainly are taking the bull by the horns and know everything you are going thru. I hate you have to deal with this. Always in my thoughts and prayers. Carolyn

  7. We follow you because we care deeply. And also because you are one of the strongest women we’ve ever met. We know you are going boldly where we and those we love will one day follow. Your journey will enlighten us and your success will give us hope.

    If there was anything we could do from afar we would, but we know your inner circle- friends and family lucky enough to be close – are supporting you and loving you and softening the path ahead.

    Stay strong, stay positive and stay on that path.

  8. Thinking of you today, Deb. Thank you for sharing your story. I love your humor and truth. You are brave beyond belief. Good luck in this next stage. Pulling for you… xoxoxo a million

  9. Love, thoughts and prayers from afar. You are attacking this monster with strength and faith. That’s all you need.

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