Went for a follow up appointment with my breast surgeon/primary doctor yesterday. Not the best news, unfortunately.  When I had my surgery, the surgeon injected a blue dye that then travels to the lymph nodes office powerpoint kostenlos herunterladen. The nodes that the dye goes to first are called the sentinel nodes and are where the cancer would travel to if left untreated. Four of them got hit, so she removed them anschreiben muster herunterladen. The pathology came back that one of those four lymph nodes contained cancer, so this now makes my cancer a stage 2.

So based on the pathology that also was done on the mass (which includes being positive for HER2) I will definitely need chemo, radiation and medication netflix series download windows. I meet with the medical oncologist next Friday and will have more answers then. On the plus side, having triple positive breast cancer (ER, PR & HER2)  is good, because they have the medications that work well for treating this type of breast cancer java programm herunterladen.

*An important note: I asked my surgeon about the new recommendations for women to wait until 50 years old to be screened. She highly disagrees with this herunterladen. Then I asked her where my cancer would be by the time I got to 50.  Her reply was instant, “Oh, you wouldn’t have gotten to 50 before this would have become a very large lump.”

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If you’re new to this blog, please read my first entry “CANCER DOESN’T CARE.”

Get screened ladies!

22 thoughts on “EXIT STAGE 2”

  1. Hey Deb! Sorry that you got some bad news at your latest appointment, but as you pointed out, your type of cancer is treatable. Still, it’s disheartening to get news you were not expecting. You have no idea what a good thing you are doing by sharing your journey with us all. This just proves that you’re not a selfish person, still caring about others. I pray for you each and every day and will continue to do so. I strongly believe in the power of faith and because you are so positive and focused I know you will beat this nasty disease. You have so much more to share with the world and will continue to make a difference. Love, Ms. T

    1. Thank you so much for this, I really appreciate it. I’m floored that the medical community wants women to wait so long for testing. It’s not right and if my journey can help and push women to take control of their health, it makes it a little less tolerable to have to go through it. I have had several friends tell me they have scheduled their lapsed mammograms and others asking for baselines. It makes putting it all out there worth it. xoxo

  2. Deb, that is tough news and you are brave to tell your story!!
    I have the same thing to say about colonoscopies!!! Never too young to start and get a baseline. Glenn just went (45 years old) because he was having some digestive issues. They found 2 polops. One had cancerous cells. They think they got it all so he just needs follow up checks for the next 6 months and year.

    I hope you are doing ok. Know that you have a lot of prayers and support coming your way!!
    Love ya!! xoxo

    1. Ellen!! God I miss you. So happy Glenn is clear now and he keeps up with the follow-up. Cancer is scary and we need to make sure we don’t give it a chance to gain control. Tell him I said hi and I’m glad he’s ok! xoxo

    1. Thank you so much, Carolyn. I am hearing from so many of my friends that they are now scheduling their mammograms, it makes me so happy. Unfortunately a lot of them got their notice they were due, or lost their prescriptions or just haven’t made that call yet. But now they are on top of it and getting them done. If I can help one person detect an abnormality in an early stage and prevent them from having to go through all of this, it will have all been worth it. xoxo

  3. I am so sorry you are going through this. My life was turned upside down 6 months ago with a similar diagnosis. I had a double mastectomy in September and pathology results are clean. I am very thankful. I wish you all the best during your journey.

    1. Congratulations on the clean pathology and taking charge of your body like that! I hope you are healing well from your double mastectomy and they stay on top of you to make sure there’s no recurrence. Keep up the fight and thank you for your well wishes. xoxo

  4. Stay strong! You got this!! FYI I got my script for mammo today (bc of you!) and will be calling to schedule appt tomorrow. Sending you love and light! xoxo

    1. YES!! Thank you for this. So happy you called! I will come see you in the green room so you can tell me everything went ok! 🙂 xoxo

  5. Hey Deb,
    I have known you for a very long time, you are as strong as they come. Cancer picked the wrong girl to mess with. I am thinking of you everyday girl.

    Love ya,

  6. Hey, Deb!

    I was just at my gynecologist for my annual . Two months ago, I had received my annual reminder letter for my mammogram but this time it said to consult with your doctor because you may only need it every two years now. So I started to think maybe because I am over 50 that I didn’t have to go annually. My doctor said, “Absolutely not .” My doctor continued to tell me that most breast cancers are caught by mammogram. Thank you for sharing your journey. My prayers are with you! Claudia from Cape Cod

    1. Claudia, I am so glad you have a doctor who puts patient care above industry recommendations. It’s not right and good thing you are taking care of yourself by going for the annual to begin with where you could ask your doctor. Thank you for your prayers, please share with your friends and loved ones and push them to get their mammograms every year as well. xoxo

  7. Deb, thank you for sharing your story. It makes it so much more real. We read stories everyday how this cancer effects so many people. Your story has hit home. I am thinking of you and sending prayers. xo

    1. Thank you, Julie. Please be sure to get your screenings yearly and bring your mom! Make it a girls day out so it’s not so miserable. I’ll try to update as much as possible. Thank you for the thoughts and prayers, I really appreciate it and hope all is well on your end. xoxo

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